Chapter 7 - Zillow it Up

It was the end of a rather dandy day, if the Pooh did say so himself. He'd spent the morning with a big cuppa and Zillow up on his laptop, determined to find something better than his hovel of a tree stump. 

He had his eye on this two bedroom place. Granted, it wasn't in the Hundred Acre Wood but Pooh had to be practical. Since the grizzlies had come in and started gut rehabbing everything, even Pooh's tree stump had seen a jack, jack, jackaroo in price. As a renter, the stump was affordable. As an owner? Pooh would rather raze the fucking thing than pony up the $279k the "Zestimate" was telling him the place was worth. 

But the two bedroom... that looked like it might have promise. It had real wood floors and stainless appliances (a far cry from Pooh's current dirt floors and cellar). Having two bedrooms meant doors and right now, Pooh only had one door. Pooh Bear was fond of doors and two bedrooms meant not just two more doors, but three! This new place had a thing called a bathroom, and that apparently came with a door as well. 

Finally, thought Pooh. I can finally take an uninterrupted and quite private shit in the woods. 

Pooh could think of nothing better. Except possibly a beer. If he got this new place, he could even imagine drinking a beer in his new bathroom. Behind the door. Three doors, a bathroom, and a beer, thought Pooh. 

And right then, he reached for the phone and called Fiona. She's the kind of girl I want to share a beer in my bathroom with, thought Pooh. 

Yes. And he'd never (ever) met a girl he'd wanted to share a beer with, much less in a bathroom. 

It was definitely a good day.


Chapter 6 - The Dress


Chapter 8 - A New Stump